Jimmy Fallon for LA Times
I think limitations breed creativity. These situations are often quite abrupt, the email reads 15 minutes with Jimmy, and the gears start turning. How can I stretch that? How can we create something unique? Something that is an embodient of the subject. So I entered 30 Rock armed with a handful of disposable cameras to go along with my big 4x5, curious to see what would happen, I left those disposables with Jimmy to pick up the next day. Let’s just say this: it’s always a good idea to give Jimmy Fallon a disposable camera.Year: 2024
Location: 30 Rockefeller Plaza - New York, NY
Shot with: 
Chamonix 45F-2, Nikon 90mm f/4.5 Nikkor-SW BT
Ilford Ilfocolor Rapid Single-Use Color Film Camera
Film Stock: Kodak Portra 400, Ilford Ilfocolor 400